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C r o § i n ' X
Cro§in'X is a crossover project where drummer Annebelle Dewitte invites people from the jazz scene, classical music, electronic music and poetry world to present, together, an own characteristic music style.
Their first project is called "We Are Brussels"; Cro§in'X shows the audience the way they interpret Brussels since March 22, 2016; multicultural, sadness, chaos but still full understanding, friendship and love.
The second project was a collaboration
with Dimitri Sterkens, a young movie maker.
Cro§in'X created and played a new soundtrack
on Dimitri's short movie 'On Attend'.
Helene Bracke (vocals)
Philip Meersman (spoken word)
Ruben Olownia (electronica)
Mattias Vanhoecke (piano)
Annebelle Dewitte (drums)
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